In November 2020 we spend 6 days at Portoriel holiday park in Clogherhead Co. Louth. Our job was to a line 11 mobile homes into a straight line all looking out to sea with an equal amount of space between each one and the same distance from the roadway to the front of each mobile. There was a lot of calculations involved and a few do overs but eventually we had each site marked out and four of the eight support pillars in place. On day 5 the crane arrived early that morning and it was a bad morning. It rained all night and didn’t stop until mid-morning a few hours after we had arrived. Making things worse we had a wind blowing so add the wet ground, wind, and November cold together and you get two unhappy men wearing 8 layers of clothing. This job took longer as we would have liked as we had to reposition the crane on several occasions and due to the wet ground, we had to prepare each crane spot with ground guards before he could set up. But not ones to shy away from a difficult day we powered through and 14hrs after first arriving on site we had all 11 mobiles moved onto their new sites. We packed up and headed home for the night. The 2-hour drive home was a quiet one, no music, no radio, no talking just a quiet unwind as we new we had one more day to go. Day 6 arrived and when we got onsite it looked nothing like it had 24hours previous. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun was shinning the ground was dry and the sea was calm but better than all of that driving in the entrance of the park you could see all the work we had been doing the previous 5 days. Each mobile home was lined perfectly with equal space on all sides and the right amount of space to the front. Before we finished off the last few tidying up bits we just stood and admired our work. With a clap on our own back (social distancing and all that) we got to work and finished up just after lunch.

It was a long few days but seeing the park owner delighted with how it now looks and some residents commenting on the work it makes it all worth it.